After attending our presentation at the Royal Cheshire Show, customers are over the moon with our delivery and siting of their art
Sited in a wonderful garden setting
Blenheim Palace Flower Show
After a visit to Blenheim this couple decided this beautiful piece of art was ideal for their upcoming anniversary.
Honoured to have delivered and sited the piece for them, thank you.
Looks stunning at all angles
Another Delivery and Siting from our Blenheim Show
Set in beautiful surroundings the piece fits in perfectly, and again, we are proud to say, with minimal disruption to the garden.
Will it be too big?
The customer was wondering about the piece being too big for their garden, it fits in beautifully
The Kiss Sited
Our first siting of the kiss for a customer, the first in the UK.
This customer fell in love with the piece on visiting us at the Southport Flower Show.
The perfect location
We always recommend a site is prepared, this couple got it bang on, thank you
The first in the UK
The picture says it all
Here in Cheshire in a lovely wooded part of their garden
Some examples of the small masks sited in beautiful surroundings, sent to us by satisfied customers.
Blenheim Palace Flower Show
Another delivery from the Blenheim show, lovely couple, developing their garden, delivered and ready for them to site it.
Delivered to Lavenham in Suffolk
All ready to be sited once the garden is ready, as they say, better to get it now than miss out.
We are always pleased to put an order in and deliver
This is the first golden facemask to be sited in the UK
The first Platini in the UK
Our first siting of the Platini large mask in Stoke on Trent.
The customer knew where it was to go and prepared it well, thank you.
Lovely Siting
Sited amongst lovely foliage can really make it special
Another Siting for the Entwined
After a visit to the Southport Flower Show they fell in love with this piece, it was delivered the next day.
Great Location
We always knew the pieces were special, but when we site them?!!
Delivered and Sited
A special delivery and one we was more than happy to do.
Delivered and sited in Cheshire to a Deaf and Blind Institute
They loved it because it has no eyes or ears, and is very tactile for their clientele
The feedback has been heart warming, Thank You
Below you see our team siting the art
A stunning Siting
Superb location for this piece, purchased at the Southport Flower Show.
Always a Pleasure
It pleases us as much as the customer when siting in such wonderful surroundings, thank you